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SILBERSALZ is the first international Science & Media festival of its kind, taking place in Halle (Saale), Germany.

What are the questions facing science? What answers could help us to live together more peacefully and waste fewer resources? What will the earth look like in the future? SILBERSALZ brings science and media topics to life for all senses with gripping films, exciting discussions, and walk-in installations – as an international festival for the public and as a conference for those who work in research, film, or the media industry.

With this unique combination of festival and conference programmes, current issues become easy to understand. For researchers, film, and media professionals, SILBERSALZ offers a platform for mutual inspiration.

Are you enthusiastic or skeptical about research? Are you younger or older? Do you have very little background knowledge or have you been researching for years? Are you curious? Be part of it! SILBERSALZ takes place every year in Halle (Saale). Admission is free.

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